Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week I Part III

OK. Finally I have found a place where I probably wont get kicked out of the lab. Because I am writing this at a reasonable time of day.
Yesterday I went on a 'mini cruise' on the coast near Rome (but still in Tuscany). It was great, except I get seasick... So the islands were nice (we visited 2) and I got a lot of sleep on the boat. My friends and I explored the islands and went swimming in the ocean. The water was amazing! The islands were beautiful. I took a nap under a boat on the beach (in order to set myself right after seasickness) at the first island, and then explored the island. We went swimming at the second island. Here are some pictures from the first island:

My naptime spot under the boat.

I'm on a boat!!
The inlet in the first island where we parked the boat.

Still the first island

We were very excited to find this lighthouse on the second island.

The wall we may or may not have been allowed to walk on.

The second island.

Second island.


Pretty flowers on the island.

A really big boat.
Overall, a very fun trip:)

Still working on my illustration homework so... Here are two more of my 10 ethnographic studies:

I doodled the tv antennae and pipes on the roof near my terrace.

Sketchbook doodle of view from Piazzale Michelangelo.


  1. Gorgeous pictures! Looks like you're having a great time! ~Jaclyn

  2. Yup! More adventures to come! A couple weeks from now I'll be visiting Switzerland to tour a chocolate factory and Munich for Oktoberfest!
